Free File Splitter Ver 5.0.1189

November 20, 2022

 File Splitter Ver 5.0.1189:

Click Below for File Splitter Tutorial

 Download Here

        File splitter is a freeware program which does not require installation and can be used to split files to multiple chunks as well as merge chunks into single file.

How to spli the File:

  • choose a file to split .it can be any file of any size.
  • choose a destination Folder.
  • File splitter will save all chunks to that Folder

How to Join The Chunk

  • choose the chunk from set of chunks
  • File splitter will locate all the chunks in a particular set automatically
  • choose the destination file (it will be overwritten without a warning)
  • just click join and all chunks will be merged into single file.

INK BELOW TO Download  (Size 600kb):

Download Here For File Splitter 

You Can Watch Youtube Here For Tutorial

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